Sunday, 30 October 2011

9 Weeks

Owen has started reaching out for the toys hanging from his play gym this week
and, in the finest English tradition, has been kicked out of his first pub
(no under-18s after 7pm apparently!)

Monday, 24 October 2011

8 Weeks

8 Weeks
Owen will now coo back at you when you speak to him

Monday, 17 October 2011

7 Weeks

7 weeks
Owen with Xandir who is only a week younger!
This week Owen has started smiling and is finding his voice cooing and burbling

The first 6 weeks

Someone mentioned that they had a friend who had taken a photo of their baby every week for the first year of his life. I thought this was a great idea so have shamelessly stolen it.

6 weeks

5 weeks

4 weeks
Owen is able to support his head quite well now
but it still flops over when he gets tired

3 weeks
Owen always falls asleep when we try to burp him

2 weeks
Owen with his New Zealand Grandma

1 week
Owen's first outing

Owen's birth day
Where we didn't have a photo for the exact day I have used photos from a day or two either side, hopefully this won't be a regular occurance!