37 Weeks Owen adores spending time in the garden, unfortunately now it is getting colder time outside is going to be limited. Owen understands when I say and do the baby sign for milk now which is pretty cool; he is starting to eat more solid food now too
36 Weeks Owen is absolutely obsessed with standing up. He constantly wants to pull himself up to standing holding my hands - he hasn't yet figured out you can use inanimate objects as leverage as well though. The other exciting things he has learned are how to turn pages in his books by himself (so long as I hold them up for him to get a grip on), how to kick a ball and he seems to understand his first baby sign for 'milk'.
35 Weeks (8 months) Owen with his grandpa. Owen has pretty much mastered his pincer grip (thumb and first finger) which means his manual dexterity is much improved. He is trying to talk a lot more and is making sounds with the right intonation (if not the actual sound)) for 'hello'. He is definitely working hard at learning to crawl.
33 Weeks Owen at his first wedding. Owen had his first real illness this week, which wasn't much fun for anyone concerned - he managed to infect the whole family!