Saturday, 23 March 2013

18 months, 4 weeks

On 'Wellington's Best Slide' with dad :-)

Owen is growing up so fast! His understanding is so sophisticated I feel like he is almost all grown up already and if you could get him to sit still and watched carefully enough you could almost see him getting taller. I guess there is a whole lot more to come though!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

18 months, 1 week

Walking up the Mount Victoria lookout with dad

18 months, 2 weeks

Owen with his English grandparents after testing out his awesome new balance bike

Owen has started putting two words together in short sentences this week, like 'daddy work' after seeing Ian leave for work in the morning.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Sunday, 10 February 2013

17 months, 2 weeks

Owen contending with corn on the cob.

He can now recognise and name "O" for Owen :)

Sunday, 3 February 2013

17 months, 1 week

Here is a picture of owen just casually hanging out with a tiger..

We tried counting up all the words we could think of that Owen could say and got about 75, there were definitely more we didn't think of and he is learning more all the time. This morning he was going through the fridge pointing at everything for me to name it. He took particular delight in the word marmalade. He also thinks the words, elbow, pumpkin soup and tiki are very funny.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

16 months, 1week

<p dir=ltr>16 months, one week</p>
<p dir=ltr>Took Owen to the beach and he had an absolute ball. He was so excited when we got there he just ran around laughing for about 10 minutes. </p>
<p dir=ltr>He is most definitely a toddler now, not a baby. He loves the word 'no' and is starting to test boundaries. He learns more words every day and is still obsessed with being read to. It is his first word when he wakes up, the last thing we do before sleep time and one of his favourite things to do during the day too! (He even has requested books in the middle of the night in the pitch dark, I'm not even sure if he was awake or sleep talking!) </p>